Sunday, May 17, 2009

Blue Ginger

Alpinia caerulea
These ginger plants are in fruit at Ravensbourne at the moment. We rarely see the local species in gardens, which is a pity, as they are very hardy plants, with ornamental leaves and fruits. The purple and white flowers, though pretty enough, and fragrant, aren’t showy enough to out-compete beautiful flowers of the imported ginger species in any popularity stakes.
These blue-fruits will last a long time on the plant (unless eaten first, by you or by a bowerbird). They have very little flesh, but what there is has such a good flavour that it’s well worth sucking the seeds for it. (Do be responsible, though, and don’t eat any unless you have first grown them yourself)
The seeds themselves are a useful spice, tasting much like cardamom, and can be used (crushed) to flavour foods. The tender growing ends of the roots have a mild flavour, not nearly as strong as commercial ginger root, and can be used as a cooked vegetable. The leaves are also useful in the kitchen, for wrapping food for cooking
Our local gingers are clumping plants, somewhat above waist-height, suitable for growing in dense shade (including indoors), and under trees. They have been largely supplanted, for garden use, by a northern form of the same species which has red-backed leaves and is less sun-tolerant. Our locals can be grown in almost full sun, especially if they’re given good thick mulch to keep the roots cool.
A well-grown plant might have some 30 stems. For those who dream of a simple life in a thatched hut, these are suitable plants for roofing.
They are frost tender.


Wolfman said...

The roots can be used in cooking too- similar to ginger or galangal; they have a milder, less overpowering flavour. Just use the as you would use regular ginger.

Patricia Gardner said...

Thanks for your comment, Wolfman.
It is interesting to hear your opinion of the flavour. As mentioned above, the flavour is indeed mild, so you can eat larger quantities of it that you would of the commercial ginger species.